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    Anchor Text


    The text that is displayed as the backlink to your site. Some search engines use anchor text as an off-page factor in determining a site’s ranking, so it is best to have your desired search terms as anchor text if possible.

    See Also:

    SEO, Page Rank, Deep Linking, Linkage

    The anchor text also called link label or link title is the noticeable and clickable text in a hyperlink. The words restricted in the anchor text can decide the ranking of the website by most of the search engines. Anchor texts usually remain under 60 characters. Different browsers will show anchor texts differently.

    Anchor text generally gives the user appropriate descriptive or related information about the content of the hyperlink at the landing URL. The anchor text may or may not be associated to the genuine text of the URL of the link.

    Webmasters occasionally be likely to misunderstand anchor text. In its place of whirling appropriate words inside of a sentence into a clickable link many webmasters frequently insert extra text such as this:

    To gain more information *Click Here.* (This is the wrong way of anchor text optimization)

    The more concise way of coding that would be using a keyword or key phrase inside of a sentence and making that keyword to land the user on the end destination URL.

    This accurate method of linking is helpful not only to users only but also to the webmaster as anchor text grasps important influence in search engine rankings. Most search engine optimization professionals advocate against using “click here” to designate a link.

    Anchor text is prejudiced that is ranked highly in search engine algorithms because the linked text is frequently relevant to the landing page. The purpose of search engines is to present extremely relevant search results and anchor text helps in this, as the tendency is to hyperlink words relevant to the landing page.

    Webmasters may employ anchor text to obtain high results in search engine outcome pages. Webmaster Tools provided by Google facilitate anchor text optimization by letting website owners view the most common words in anchor text linking to their site.

    Benefits of Anchor text
    • Anchor Text Enhances the Relevance of the Target Page
    • Search Engine Algorithms like Anchor Text.

    In a usually built site anchor text is habitually used to specify the subject matter of the page that it links to. For example, the text “SEO Company India” in any sentence used to hyperlink indicates to visitors that they can be expecting to see content about SEO if they visit the link. This guide of usage has been functional in search engine algorithms to improve the significance of the “target” or the “landing page” URL for the keywords within the anchor text.

    The addition of vital keywords in the anchor text can make a big difference in the final ranking of any site pages. All search engines give significant weight to the anchor text on websites pages.

    It has as well been calculated that anchor text whether from external or internal pages is important. It should therefore be make sure that important notice is given to the addition of important keywords in your anchor text.






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